After a devastating nuclear war between the two superpowers of this world, one of them emerges victorious, though barely.
Both sides had been exhausted by the war.
Ten years after the conflict had begun, out of pure frustration, some high-ranking general on one side ordered a hydrogen bomb to be fired at the other, though it is still disputed by both sides to this day which side fired the bomb first.
What everyone could agree on however, was that it was a miracle this did not destroy the world.
You are a simple soldier on the victorious side, elated over the victory but horrified at the loss of life.
Due to a manpower shortage, your commander has had no choice but to send you on a mission alone.
Your task is simple:
"Clear out the enemy bunker, soldier."
You were meant to be securing a civilian bunker as far as you knew, but soon, you will find out:
How little you knew.